Hello!! my name is jana pronouns she/her 13 09' May 17 ♡♡ I'm puerto rican also :)

I love listening to music, I play video games, draw, watch anime and other shows, read manga and other books sometimes, and more !! I am a really cool and funny person but I can be a jerk sometimes (as a joke I'm never serious) I'm also very loud and clingyI'm your local nerd and artist lmao

I have many interests so once you know me it's hard to keep count lol, I can't even count :') but here are things I can tell you for starters !!

video games I play :)
Valorant, Genshin Impact, Ace Attorney, etc. I really like analog horror, indie horror and other stuff !! I have a wide range of games I enjoy/watch.
People I watch ♡
I watch Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, and The Game Theorists mainly but I also watch other people like MrBeast, Mornal, Good Mythical Morning, and Denis !

What does kin mean?When fans use the word “kin” they are expressing connection and affection toward a fictional character. It can be considered a substitute for “like” or “love”

kins/favorites ♡
I have many kins and favorites so its hard to remember or count lol! but if I can remember some are: childe, xiao, itadori star, itto, phoenix wright, zuko, and aang.

(these characters are between ENFP and INTJ personalities i think) (characters in order of how I wrote it)